Beginning Sunday, August 19th, we will be kicking off our Love Chicago week. Each day will provide opportunities for our church body to be the hands and feet of Christ extended. From kids events to outreaches, reaching the suburbs and the city of Chicago, we will love our city and with the love of Christ and be a church without walls!
BRIDGES Ministry - august 20
On Monday, August 20th at 6pm, we will have our fall kickoff to our Bridges season. Come check out the ministry see how the church responds to families in need. From expecting mothers to newborn babies, this ministry helps reach many families in our community. Email for more information.
chicago city life center - august 21
We will be going to the city of Chicago to help feed the homeless. On this Tuesday, we will be privileged to join CCLC in serving meals and loving on people. Come and be blessed! RSVP TODAY and meet us at OBCC by 4:45pm to ride in the van together.
family fun night & prayer - august 22
FAMILIES! You won't want to miss this Family Fun Night! We will be having the Faagutu family joining us, so all of our kids and youth are invited to participate in this special night of worship and prayer. We'll be providing dinner at 5:30pm and then regather immediately afterwards.
Thursday, August 23rd, we will join Todd Lucas and Chi Alpha for a special time of prayer over Chicago area colleges and universities. As we walk through these campuses, we will be praying together and seeking the Lord to move in the hearts and lives of students and faculty. Email us for more info.
backyard bible club - august 24 & 25
Backyard Bible Club is an outreach event for kids and families to reach out communities for Jesus! We will have our very first event in Downers Grove, meeting from 6:30-8PM both nights! Bring a friend and a lawn chair and come hang out with us. There will be games, storytelling, and worship by The Faagutu family! Email Pastor Isaac for more information.
Convoy of hope - August 25
Convoy of Hope's mission is to be the hope to Chicago's underprivileged. OBCC is partnering with this ministry and joining in the outreach taking place at Marquette Park. Sign up here today!